Year 6’s Sustainable Palm Oil Ad
Through the last few weeks we as a whole school have been learning about sustainable palm oil and how people have been causing deforestation to plant palm oil trees to get palm oil and make a living. We have also learnt that by doing that people have been destroying animals homes and their habitat. Lots of animals are getting extinct at the cause of deforestation and palm oil trees. They told us that there was a way to solve this problem and the way was to use sustainable palm oil. Sustainable palm oil is a oil that was planted without any deforestation.
We had some workers from Chester Zoo who helped us understand that we could change the word and make it a better place to live. We also learnt a song that Chester Zoo made telling people that people could read the label and make sure that it has sustainable palm oil. By making sure that it has sustainable palm oil you can make the workers in shop buy more sustainable stuff.
We also visited Chester Zoo to see the animals there I really enjoyed the work shop they did when we got there. We saw all different animals they looked all nice and healthy. I would like to thank all Chester Zoo who took soo much care of the animals. And thank you for the free family tickets that you gave us.
I have learnt that being sustainable is important good luck with the animals and I hope that you encourage more people the way you encouraged us.
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