Recently, Chester zoo have been coming to our class to talk about palm oil
and what it is doing to our world and animals. They have come and shown us what animals have been going endangered. They also told us what to do if we go to a supermarket.
On Wednesday’s a worker from Chester zoo came and told us what animal are going extinct: orangutans, bears, hornbills and many others. These animals are endangered because of us humans who are chopping their homes down to make a palm oil tree which gives us palm oil fruit. This palm oil fruit is in everything from food to an item like soap or washing up liquid. Although it is almost in everything, there is something called sustainable palm oil. These companies which uses sustainable palm oil make a corridor which helps animals to move from one forest that is cut down to one that isn’t.
After four weeks of teaching us, Chester zoo allowed us to come and visit their zoo so we can experience the animals. So on Wednesday the fifth of February, we went on the the bus and headed towards Chester zoo. This took about an hour to get there. When we got there, a man who worked there told us how hornbills make a nest inside a tree . The mother goes inside the tree with its baby and the father blocks it up with mud and his own poo! This allows them to stay away from predators. Then he made a race for us and use clay to block up a hole using plastic tweezers. After that, we went to see the orangutans then the gibbons then the snake and it carries on. The best was the bats because they fly straight past .
In my opinion, Chester zoo is a great zoo which helps animals from all around the world which are endangered and try to get them back if possible. They are also very nice and help many schools learn about the dangers so when maybe they get older the will tell their children and so the animals don’t die.
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