Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Lights solution in neighbourhood watc

Dear neighbour watch ,
Thank you for your letter of concern regarding the street lights – that are located in London . We have taken on board you’re your queries and have searched further into this problem [ which is because of the light being dim ] and have discovered multiple things .
To begin with me and my class , 6m, began with a simple , complete and bright circuit but , as use had many differences and continuously expanded  by changing many components ; increasing the amount of bulbs ; increasing the voltage and decreasing …
From the investigation , we have understood , that one 9 voltage battery , has the same amount as 5 one voltage batteries but the problem is , if there is too much power , the filament will explode . In order to prevent the filaments exploding , we had to use either less voltage or more bulbs .
To conclude , we believe , to insure the lights – which are in the streets – stay on while many man-kinds try and steal , you must have high voltage and allot of bulbs .

Your sincerely , 6m’s best pupil – Yousif Shamo .

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